Acatlran Agri-food park
How to increase an urban-rural continuum by acting locally with a metropolitan vision?
The metropolitan axis that connects the Pacific Ocean with the center of Mexico runs through the city of Guadalajara and is characterized by an ecological corridor with fragile environmental balances due to an uncontrolled urban expansion.
The semi-rural city of Acatlan de Juarez is located in a strategic position for the development of a dialogue between urban and rural.
The outcome of this thesis is a multi-scalar approach that combines large-scale territorial planning up to the architectural solution.
The Agri-food park is the ecological armature for the protection of the fragile landscape and agricultural identity. It is characterized by a network of hotspots that offer new services to the local social system.
Near the railway, where metropolitan urban and agricultural meet, it has been designed a new landscape centrality through a large hybrid form consisting of multiple centers.