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The project area is located in the suburbs of Milan, between the inhabited town and a large park. The project consists of a Kindergarten for 250 children with nine classrooms. 

The aim of the project is to create a space that can be used by the whole community acting as a hinge and creating continuity between the park and the town. The design choice is to use the most of building area space as an open space creating a public square, (extension of the country) a botanical garden, and a roof garden (extensions of the park on different levels). Integrated with the botanical garden there is a panoramic bird-watching tower that breaks the dominant horizontality and acts as a landmark.


The building is divided into two blocks. The linear flat one, dedicated only to the kindergarten, communicates with the park. It is composed of the classroom module with its dressing room and bathroom. The remain is space for possible interaction. subdivided into three sectors.


The massive block that communicates with the city works as the head of the composition in which there are the public functions: the library and the refectory-auditorium space.
The kindergarten has a wooden structure and is completely designed with biocompatible materials.


The flat block is in continuity with the nature and the horizontality of the territory. The facade is composed of the large windows of the classrooms that allow nature to visually break into the architecture.


Towards the city, the building ends with a curved wall which creates an alive close boundary to be used in different ways.



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